CRM for marketing: modern lead outreach strategy

  • CRM para marketing: estratégia moderna de alcance de leads Articles
  • CRM para marketing: estratégia moderna de alcance de leads 15 Jun 2022
CRM para marketing: estratégia moderna de alcance de leads

We know that in the business world it is very important to consider the tools we have at hand to enhance the achievement of our objectives. And why not combine the useful with the pleasant, using a tool that already exists in the company? Because when it comes to marketing, CRM can be a great ally.

Yes, this is CRM (Customer relationship management) I'm talking about. That place where we store our customers' basic information, widely used in the administrative, sales and even customer service areas. But from my point of view, some areas and companies do not use the full potential of this tool, as it also serves to bring very important insights to develop business, bring a better experience when talking to the end user and also for the area of marketing.


Data in one place

This is one of the most important points. When all areas of your company use the same CRM, they end up feeding the tool with information that interacts with each other and generates a powerful source of data for creating strategies. One of them is the recognition of the public we serve, not only gender, age, regionality, etc., but also preferences, purchasing practices, real needs, product preferences and other valid information that, when analyzed together, becomes a basis to create a persona in order to understand in a macro way the types of customers we have, generating a projection of how to better serve future customers. This drives us to create products aimed at these specific types of audiences, generating more efficiency and making sales even easier. For this to happen, it is important that marketing and sales are well aligned areas.


Inbound Marketing and content marketing

One way to capture leads is through Inboung Marketing (attraction marketing), a way of advertising your company through other fronts such as using blogs that talk about subjects that speak to your type of business, attracting people who are interested in this subject and, in a very inviting way, including these people in a sales funnel that starts with attraction, conversion, sales and loyalty. Content marketing is precisely what will generate public interest, with videos, articles, infographics, e-books, webinars and other practices that leads will have access to by filling out a simple form. What does CRM have to do with it? That's where the information will be. Being able to know how far these people have gone within this flow and acting in a surgical, but still massive, way, so that they can move on to the next stage, such as e-mail marketing, for example, which is a gateway to continue relating to the future customer.


Integrating with social chats

Another strategy is to use the social chats as a powerful entry channel for potential leads. This could be WhatsApp, Facebook chat or your main website and blog page, where it contains information about products. But it is important to consider that all this information that will be fed by different platforms needs to communicate and be in one place so that there is proper analysis without requiring a lot of manual work from your team. Therefore, here CRM is once again a partner tool for this strategy.

We know that the marketing is very important for any business, and it needs to be explored in the best possible way. And this means knowing the tools that are available to enhance our work dynamics, making the teams' daily lives increasingly fluid, generating effectiveness, achieving objectives and making good deliveries. To do this, consider always putting the customer at the center through data, which will not only be useful for the marketing and sales area, but for any area that relates to the public. So, is your company prepared?


This article was written by the software communications team I love CRM and published as participation in a partnership between our companies. 

Fred Burlamaqui

Marketing Strategist with frequent public praise, Frederico Burlamaqui brings 19 years of experience and studies in the segment.

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