Marketing Mentoring in Curitiba – How about counting on the guidance of the Marketing Strategist most recommended by clients¹, throughout the southern region of Brazil? Or even improve your strategic capacity with the support of a specialist with several success stories proven? Or, accelerate your learning in Marketing guided by expertise Who has been working in the sector for over 20 years?
At Marketing Mentorship in Curitiba (which can also be used anywhere in the world), Frederico Burlamaqui provides high-level strategic advice integrated with the development of personalized studies. With the aim of developing and/or strengthening your skills linked to the Marketing, Sales and Strategy sectors.
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Marketing Mentoring in Curitiba – How it works
Mentoring, by definition, is a method applied to training people. In our case, through learning from a specialist who has more than 20 years of experience, a consistent portfolio of successful cases and broad recognition from society as a reference in his field of activity.
It roughly resembles a system of private classes, but without the formality of a rigorous teaching program and focused on the challenges of the client/mentee for that cycle or occasion.
In Marketing Mentoring with Frederico Burlamaqui, the sessions last 60 minutes and are clearly focused on the specific challenges to be overcome and/or the topic for which you want to improve your skills. It is necessary to send in advance, in writing, a description of the challenges to be overcome and their context. There is no absolute rigor when it comes to the duration of the sessions, and they can be extended up to 30% depending on the need to complete the subject, without additional investment.
Working system:
- Prior submission of a description of the challenges;
- Previous contact to resolve the mentor's doubts regarding their challenges, if any;
- Usual 60-minute session; (or with special time, depending on the agreement to be made)
- Session with total focus on the challenge, aiming for maximum efficiency in the use of time.
- Online or in person, depending on availability of both parties.
- Use up to 20 additional minutes, if dynamics demonstrate that it is necessary.
- Answer questions remotely, for recurring mentees.
Difference between Consulting and Mentoring
Our company is also highlighted in Marketing Consulting. However, it is necessary to understand that they are different services from each other. And they are dedicated to meeting different categories of needs.
In Consulting, our team interacts deeply with your Business and/or Brand, developing and executing strategies so that your organization can fulfill the central objectives of Marketing activity: “generate and maintain customers willing to buy”, through the adoption of behaviors and actions that demonstrate to the end customer why it is better to meet their purchasing needs in your company. Instead go to your competitors, equivalents and substitutes.
In Mentoring – our topic in question – the interaction has a pedagogical nature and the development of strategic skills. Assisting the mentored person in developing and building the following skills as needed:
- Effective analysis of business challenges and their context;
- Strategic Marketing reasoning;
- Systemic view of business processes with emphasis on Maximizing Perceived Value by your end customer;
- Construction of the necessary reasoning to maximize revenue with effective application of resources;
- Development and understanding of the theoretical framework whose mastery maximizes practical results;
- Development and improvement of effective behaviors in organizational leadership activities;
- Development and improvement in Personal Marketing and assertive actions in a corporate career;
- Behavioral development to work as an Entrepreneur, Freelancer and/or Self-Employed.
In the diagnosis phase (whether for Consulting or Mentoring), Frederico Burlamaqui will personally guide you as to which service is most suitable for best meeting your objectives and what is the best focus to adopt.
Challenges that can be overcome with Marketing Mentoring in Curitiba
Theodore Levitt once said that “people don't buy 5-inch drill bits, they buy 5-inch holes”.
In other words: What matters to people – including you and me – is what can be resolved in their lives when they invest in something.
And as Marketing Mentoring couldn't be any different, here are some examples of challenges that Frederico Burlamaqui's guidance can help you overcome:
For entrepreneurs and freelancers:
- “If I'm good at what I do, why do customers buy more and pay more for technically worse services”?
- How can I guide my company to remain the customer's favorite in the category?
- How to build a customer base, based on better relationships while expanding revenue?
- How to practice strategic management in a way that really achieves positive results?
- How to negotiate from positions of less power?
- How to sustain Maximizing Perceived Value for the customer?
- Developing a mindset to build and maintain positive results.
For managers:
- How to correctly coordinate efforts between different Marketing services? Such as traffic management, content, advertising, software and many others.
- How to define what is really needed? So as not to waste resources on actions that clearly do not generate good results.
- How to filter good content and good reasoning, amidst the immensity of untruths available on the internet?
- How do I establish and execute objectives in my leadership area?
- How to make the customer generation process fluid, cohesive and effective? To avoid wasting resources in disputes between Marketing and Sales sectors.
For analysts and salespeople:
- How can I maximize the organization's perception of Value in relation to my work?
- How can I keep my Personal Brand attractive to the job market, even though I am employed?
- How to build a great reputation and network, working at a healthy volume of effort?
- How can I avoid and negotiate conflicts within the organizational structure, in order to do my job correctly?
- How can I meet the objectives of my client, my employer and mine, if they seem to conflict with each other?
These are mere examples of challenges that can be overcome with the help of Marketing Mentoring with Frederico Burlamaqui. However, a multitude of other challenges can also be resolved – since the process is 100% oriented towards the specific needs of each client/mentee.
We do not work with standardized solutions or “off the shelf products”.
And why choose Frederico Burlamaqui as a mentor?
It is extremely important to make a good choice when it comes to mentoring services.
It is an activity dependent on the highest confidence, the result of which will be positive if you develop skills and knowledge that you can apply for the rest of your life, adapting this knowledge to different challenges and situations.
Dessa forma, ficam elencados abaixo alguns fatores positivos a respeito de Frederico Burlamaqui enquanto mentor:
- Most recommended Marketing Strategist in the South and Southeast of Brazil¹.
- Technical reference in the sector most consulted by the traditional and specialized media in Paraná.
- Editorial contribution to organizations such as: Regional Administration Council of São Paulo, Associação Brasileira de Atacarejos, Mundo do Marketing portal, Consumidor Moderno portal and Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Vascular regional SP; between others.
- Experience of more than 20 years (since 2001) in various Marketing, Sales, Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship activities.
- Diversity of experiences that provides enriched expertise, having helped brands in fields as distant as Holistic Therapy and Gas Pipeline Construction.
- Professional experiences in the main hierarchical roles in the sector, from assistant to coordinator. Being a consultant since 2011.
- Active member of technical bodies such as ADVB/Pr and ProDesign/Pr.
- Empathy, consideration and acceptance in all activities. With total respect for human beings in all their diversity.
(1) – Source: Google Places, Portal oHub and LinkedIn.