Best Marketing Consultancy: how to choose the best one for you?

  • Melhor Consultoria de Marketing: como escolher a melhor para você? Articles
  • Melhor Consultoria de Marketing: como escolher a melhor para você? 15 Jun 2022
Melhor Consultoria de Marketing: como escolher a melhor para você?

Best Marketing Consultancy – Your company has Marketing needs that it cannot resolve internally and you have chosen to seek the best consultancy, right?

Whether your business is a large multinational or a micro company, a Google search reveals your first difficulty: How do I find out which company is the best Marketing consultancy?

They all promise to be very good, each with their own arguments.

And there are countless companies present in every major city in Brazil, and if you expand the selection process to an entire region or even the entire country, I believe that the feeling of confusion and doubt will be even greater – as I have heard this from countless clients who ended up opting for the services of my team.


Starting from the beginning: The role of Marketing

To get to this answer, let's look at one of the most established definitions of the role of Marketing. According to Peter Drucker – considered the Father of Modern Administration and the most important consultant in history – the Marketing is the reason for existence of every company.

At this point, you might be thinking: “What do you mean, reason for being?! What about production? Human capital? The logistics?!” and I can understand your question. But I'll explain: Drucker was inspired by his colleague and contemporary Theodore Levitt, which demonstrated that “a company exists to win and keep customers”.

After all, if there are no customers, there is no money coming in. Therefore, without money coming in, it is not possible to have production, nor human capital, without logistics – it is simply not possible to have a company when there are no sales. And for there to be sales, there must be customers.

And so, we arrive at the role of Marketing: making the company win and keep customers.

Then The best Marketing consultancy is the one that will make your company more capable of winning and keeping customers than it is today.

See below some criteria to filter the companies with the greatest potential to help you.


And how to choose the best marketing consultancy?

There are some criteria that – even without being a specialist in Marketing and/or Management – you can adopt to select the best marketing consultancy according to your company's needs.

These are not definitive criteria, but filters that can help you filter good quality companies. See below?


See public reviews

The best way to get a prior idea about any service – including consultancy – is to know what opinion previous clients have about the company.

Do previous customers like it? Do not like? Do you love? Hate? Don't they say anything? All of this can help define whether a company is competent to help you.

In today's world, anyone with minimal access to technology does not buy a refrigerator or video game without knowing what other people think who bought a model of that type.

Imagine then a highly complex service like Marketing Consulting, on which the survival or failure of your company may depend. And in less serious cases, poor quality results in losses and a large loss of time.

Therefore, it is very important to consult public assessment tools such as Google Places, Facebook, oHub, among others.


See if the promises are realistic

As we talked about in the previous topic, analyzing previous customers is the first way to analyze the performance of a service.

It is known that, by nature, consultancies are highly complex services. Because its quality can only really be measured after it has already been carried out, at which point the results are revealed.

In turn, Marketing consultancies are even more complex services – much more complex, in fact. And we’ll explain why…

Consultancies related to the company's internal environment (operations, finance, processes, logistics, among others), deal with 100% situations under the control of managers, in which they can issue an order and have it complied with.

In Marketing Consulting, the work presents a greater challenge: the external environment is not under control. We do not control the external environment and it is not possible to exercise such control.

We do not control the economy, the market, competitors or customers or consumers. And this is an inevitable and unchanging fact of reality, whether you like it or not.

Thus, The best marketing consultancy works to awaken the customer's desire to buy from your company. Organizing your business operations to influence the buyer to conclude that you are the one who best solves that need.


See previous success stories

It is necessary to prove one's competence, with success stories.

After all, how could you know if you are choosing the best solution to your Marketing difficulties without such proof?

Without seeing such cases, it becomes too risky to choose a particular Marketing consultancy.

However, it is necessary to be careful with companies that report fictitious successes and whose real performance cannot be measured.

Here are some points to consider when reading success stories:

  • To begin with – do you present success stories?
  • Is the customer identified and is it a real company?
  • Was the problem solved a business problem or an advertising problem?
  • Is it a measurable objective?
  • Do success stories make logical sense?
  • Are there success stories for companies of all sizes?


See if you take good care of your own Marketing

For a company to prove it has the necessary skills, it needs to have solved its own problems before promising to solve those of your company.

Would you trust an engineer who can't do basic math with just paper and pencil? Or even more so, a Portuguese language teacher who doesn't know how to use crasis?

This proves that certain skills are a prerequisite for being able to carry out certain activities. In turn, in the development of Marketing operations, this is no different.

Analyze the criteria below to evaluate the “homework” of the best marketing consultancies:

  • Was it easily found on Google?
  • When you look at the Web site and other company communications, does it seem high-level or “backyard”?
  • Still looking at the company's communications, does it seem more effective than others in the industry?
  • Does the service reinforce or depreciate the perception of the company?
  • Does it clearly demonstrate – and prove – how it stands out in what it sets out to do?
  • Is it updated for today's world?

Anyone who is not able to positively influence a potential customer for their own business will not be able to help this customer succeed in their business – in this case, in your business.



Have you ever tried to disassemble a wardrobe with the screwdrivers found in a Swiss Army knife?

I don't think so, as a simple look leads to the conclusion that the most appropriate option for the task is to have specific screwdrivers and – even better – an electric screwdriver in which the specific screwdrivers fit.

The electric screwdriver would not be very useful if it were only applied to Philips screwdrivers. And it wouldn't be the best tool if it was also a sander, trowel and circular saw, all in the same machine.

In the case of choosing a consultancy, the same analogy applies: for it to be the best marketing consultancy, it needs to strike the best balance between specialization and broad skills.

Therefore, we recommend choosing between companies that have skills relevant to the same field of competence – in the case of Marketing, in the direct ability to win and keep customers.

Therefore, from our point of view, a great marketing consultancy can offer services in Business Strategy, Commercial Management (and Sales), Brand Positioning and even Digital Strategies.

However, still in my point of view, We are wary of consultancies that claim to be “the Swiss army knife” of management. Offering Consulting services in Finance, Technology, Human Resources, Logistics, Processes and Marketing, all in the same team…

In general, it is very difficult for a doctor to be a good cardiologist, orthopedist, ENT and psychiatrist, being the same person!


How about finding out about a great option in this market?

We couldn't stop talking about our services, could we?

After offering the best filters to help with your choice and for your company to avoid the traps in the market, it would be very kind of you to invite Burlamaqui Marketing and Strategy Consulting to budget your needs.

Today, we are the most recommended Business Consultancy in the Marketing and Strategy categories in the South of Brazil (according to Google Places), we use these skills to make your company a customer favorite.

Fred Burlamaqui

Marketing Strategist with frequent public praise, Frederico Burlamaqui brings 19 years of experience and studies in the segment.

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      Francisco Rocha 198 Batel – Curitiba – Paraná CEP 80420-130

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      09:00 to 18:00

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